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Sample Reading
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Answer questions! Gain insight! Receive guidance!

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This is the easy way to get a personalized tarot reading without leaving the comfort of your own computer!

Here's how it works:
Fill out the form below, answering the questions as thoroughly as you are comfortable with. When you click the "Send" button, your answers and information will be emailed to me, and I will get back in touch with you within 48 hours in most cases (as long as I am within reach of a computer, which is most of the time).

Once I have replied to you, and ascertained your interest in a reading, I will email you a Paypal link for the cost of your reading(s). Once the payment is received, I will complete your reading and send you an email similar to the "Sample Reading" shown on the Example page. Your photo and reading will be in the text of the email, so you will have no documents to open.

Once you have received your reading, I will answer one further clarifying question regarding the interpretation, and at that point, that reading transaction is complete.

Of course, if you have purchased a reading package, you can contact me when you are ready for your next reading. If you are giving the gift of a reading to someone, the procedure is very similar, except that I will need that person to send me an email answering the questions from the web page as fully as they wish, and payment must be received from the "gifter" prior to my reading for the "giftee".

If you have any questions about how the reading procedure works, feel free to click on my email link below and I will happily answer them for you.

A few things to remember-

It occasionally happens that your reading does not answer the question you asked, or provides you different information than you might have expected or hoped for. Often, my readings tell you what is in your heart, your head, your energy, or your life that you aren't (for whatever reason) aware of, or looking at. The interpretation, even if it does not cover your specific query, will provide you with valuable information, and if you don't get your original question answered, perhaps the power that drives the cards felt that you needed the information you received more urgently.

The layout is part of the reading, which will become clear as you read my interpretation.

Technical issues on your end are your responsibility. If your email bounces or I am similarly unable to reach you to deliver your reading, you are accountable for contacting me so that I can send you the reading.

Tarot reading emails will be kept for three months after the email is sent; after that, I may or may not still have your reading. If you do not receive your reading (or an email from me explaining any delay) within 5 days of sending payment, please contact me immediately, so we can figure out where the problem is.

Readings are, essentially, for entertainment purposes only. This is not to say that my intention is to entertain you, quite the contrary, my intention is to provide you with useful and helpful information. However, I am not in any way liable or responsible for what you might do, or not do, based on your personalized tarot reading.

Business Details

E-mail Address:
Paypal Address:
Readings:  Single Reading ($30.00)
 Set of 5 Readings ($130.00)
 Gift Reading ($30.00)
Recipient's Name:

Recepient's Details


Birth sign(s)

If you know more about your bith signs (Moon Sign, Cusps, etc.) please list them here:

Have you ever had a tarot reading online before? Yes  No

Have you ever had a tarot reading in person before? Yes  No

How did you find Nashira?