18 - The Moon
This card generally depicts an outdoor scene. In the foreground, a body of water from which a crayfish or lobster emerges. A dog and a wolf howl on the banks, and flanked by two towers, the Moon has appeared in the sky, bright with a corona similar to the sun. The Moon often has a face, and is looking down on the landscape. As with other cards, there is a path leading into the mountains, and the towers are reminiscent of the High Priestess’ pillars, and the Tower card as well. The Moon is full, but often has a crescent delineated within it.The Moon is indicative of psychic ability, creativity, breakthrough and magic. It can also be a card of the "dark side", of excess and abuse of substance or power, of the shadow side of personality. If the Moon appears in a reading, depending on surrounding cards, it can suggest a dark period, or confusion, a lack of guidance or a series of poor choices. However, it can also portend a period of creativity, artistic achievement and clear, true visions. The landscape of the Moon is a wild one- the querent can choose to howl at the moon with the dog and the wolf, or they can reflect on the moon and the calm waters of the pool, and embrace the inspiration to be found there.